STEM+ Code of Conduct
for Youth, Instructors, Parents, & Guardians
The primary goal of CLS STEM+ programs is to help youth develop competency through STEM education events, projects, skills, and activities. Actions by persons (parents, and participants) involved with the CLS STEM+ programs work to promote a respectful and collaborative learning environment and community.
Code of Conduct
As a CLS STEM+ Participant/Parent/Guardian I will:
- Treat all people and property with respect, courtesy, consideration and compassion. Avoid and prevent put-downs, insults, name calling, swearing and other language or nonverbal conduct likely to offend, hurt or set a bad example.
- Keep informed about CLS STEM+ program policies and projects and read materials pertaining to CLS STEM+ programs.
- Teach and model kindness and compassion for others. Recognize that all people have skills and talents which can be used to help others and improve the community.Teach and foster teamwork and discourage selfishness.
- Practice fair-mindedness by being open to ideas, suggestions and opinions of others. I will make all reasonable efforts to assure equal access to participation for all youth and adults regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or disability. Decisions will be made fairly and treat all individuals and families with impartiality.
- Obey laws and rules as an obligation of being a good CLS STEM+ community member. I accept responsibility for the proper treatment and care for other youth and adults, the program facilities and/or equipment.
- Demonstrate the responsible treatment of animals and stewardship of the environment.
- Not use alcohol or illegal substances (or be under the influence) while working with or participating in any part of the CLS STEM+ Program.
- Provide a safe environment for all parties involved in CLS STEM+. I will protect those involved from sexual harassment, physical force, verbal or mental abuse, neglect, or other harmful behaviors.
CLS STEM+ Parents, Guardian and/or Youth who do not abide by the above code of conduct, may receive the following consequences:
- Be asked to explain actions to the CLS STEM+ administration.
- Be dismissed from an event at own expense.
- Further disciplinary action determined by the CLS STEM+ Council, which may include:
- restriction from contacting CLS STEM+ families, volunteers, donors, and/or sponsors pertaining to any CLS STEM+ matter.
- becoming ineligible to attend any further CLS STEM+ activities.
- family may become ineligible to participate in the CLS STEM+ Program.
- Reimburse the proper entity for any property damage or for liability resulting from inappropriate actions. In the case of vandalism, guilty party may be required to reimburse CLS STEM+ and/or the facility.