Explore Data Analytics Summer 2020

Explore Data Analytics is a online, interactive class that introduces high school and community college learners to the fast growing field of Data Analytics.

Designed and led by Virginia Tech instructors, the course explores the science of learning and making conclusions from data with hands-on activities and live daily interactive Q&A sessions.

Data Analytics is currently not offered in most high schools, yet it is one of the fastest growing career paths in the nation. The demand for technical expertise is out-pacing supply.  Technical expertise is needed to develop new methods, tools, and infrastructures required to support novel big data analytics operations in industry, government, and academia.


How it Works

Explore Data Analytics is a 4-week course, Monday through Friday, starting beginning July 6, 2020.

Students login to a virtual classroom from the STEM+ website. The virtual classroom outlines the weekly schedule of activities, videos, and assignments. 

The schedule includes daily live online Zoom sessions (weekdays) at 11:00 a.m. E.T. with the course instructor. These sessions anchor the course for students. and provide interaction and encouragement.  Live online sessions may include class demos, Q&As, or general discussions about data analytics in our current world. 

STEM+ may be allowed to offer optional in-person afternoon labs at the Roanoke Higher Education Center (pending state guidelines and restrictions). When we have more information, we will share it with the registered students.

Explore Data Analytics is offered through STEM+ by Commonwealth Systems.

Course Form




Advanced high school, community college, and non-student adult learners. 


July 6 – July 30
11 a.m. weekday live online sessions with instructor


for 4 week session

*Limited scholarships are available. See Scholarship section above.


Reza Tasooji
Doctoral candidate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech